ChatGPT Detector is a powerful AI content detection tool
ChatGPT Detector is a powerful AI content detection tool developed by OpenAI. It uses GPT-2 technology to detect AI-generated texts, such as fake news, plagiarised content and cheating. The tool can identify AI-generated texts with high accuracy by analyzing various syntactical and semantic elements. Edward Tian, a 22-year-old senior at Princeton University, developed an app to detect whether text is written by ChatGPT. Additionally, there are three online ChatGPT plagiarism detectors which use comparison corpus, evaluation and detection to identify AI-generated texts.
There are many tools available to detect articles generated by Artificial Intelligence. These tools look for patterns in the text that are indicative of automated content. One such tool is Grover, a fake news detection AI model produced by researchers at the University of Washington. It uses natural language processing to analyze syntax and structure, and can identify statistically significant patterns usually only found in AI-generated content. Other tools include plagiarism checkers, source code checkers, and AI content detectors. These detectors can accurately identify AI-generated content with 94% accuracy.